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Faculty of Mathematics, Physics & Computer Science

Scientific Computing, Master of Science (M.Sc.)

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Part of the Elite Network of Bavaria

Students of the elite master's programme Scientific Computing are part of the Elite Network Bavaria. As such, you have full access to the exclusive offers of the network. 

Many social and soft skill events 

In addition to social events such as a get together or graduation ceremonies, students can participate in numerous soft skill seminars offered by the Elite Network of Bavaria. Depending on the size of the event, 3 - 4 of these seminars in particular are part of the curriculum of the elite master's programme Scientific Computing.

Large interdisciplinary network

The members of the network form a strong community, promoting exchange across disciplines and national borders, see here.

Cooperation with industry and business

Modeling seminars and also master's theses can be held in cooperation with partners from industry and business, so that networking opportunities with companies exist here early in the studies. 

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